extra muros

extra muros

ménage à deux 

Het Stadsmus, Hasselt
14 March-30 August 2020
Experience Ménage à deux 

Stefan Annerel, Warner Berckmans, Patrick Ceyssens, Berlinde De Bruyckere, Peter Deleu, Johan De Wit, Fred Eerdekens, Nick Ervinck, David Huycke, Rudi Knoops, Lore Langendries, Stéphanie Leblon, Renato Nicolodi, Stefan Peters, Joke Raes, Ick Reuvis, Mireille Robbe, Koen Vanmechelen, Jonas Vansteenkiste, Kristof Vrancken.

Ménage à deux brings historical masterpieces of the Hasselt City Museum into a surprising dialogue with artworks of contemporary artists. Spontaneously the question arises of the link between the old and contemporary visual language.  It is up to the visitor to find the link between the past and the present and thus to bring the heritage back to life.