

Hermetic black

De Mijlpaal, Heusden-Zolder
18 November 2018 - 27 January 2019

.Warner Berckmans, Karin Borghouts, Eduardo Chillida, Stijn Cole, Peter De Koninck, Bert De Leeuw, Peter Deleu, Frederik De Wilde, Trees De Mits, Dave Donné, Eugène Dodeigne, Nick Ervinck, Frits Jeuris, Lore Langendries, Bart Lens, Jeroen Maes, Jorge Manilla, Joke Raes, Mireille Robbe, Thomas Ruff, Englebert Van Anderlecht, Ann Van Hoey, Filip Vervaet, Karen Wuytens.

In the darkest time of the year, the exhibition Hermetic Black is a rendition of what happens in nature at the end of the year. Not only the nights but also the days are dark, gloomy, mysterious, chilly and inhospitable. The artworks show the way: through the confrontation with the dark blackness a new perspective, deeper layers and meanings emerge. As a viewer you are invited to step into this quest.